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The Abundance & Luxuriance Fertility Goddess


Crafted to give hope, courage & support in your conception journey
Invoke the energy of the Goddess to bring creation & fertility into your life
for the Goddesses' who are strong and brave in their journey in bringing their spirit children to life.
Moonstone- Fertility
Carnelian- Cycle of life
Amethyst- Boosts hormone production
Patchouli Leaf- Money, fertility, lust
Oak- Protection, health, money, healing, potency, fertility, luck
Hawthorne Berries- Fertility, happiness
Mistletoe- Fertility, love, health protection
Star Anise- Luck
Orchid- Love
Paris fragrance 

A harmonious blend of green, citrus and lavender with soft rosy heart, woody, musky and mossy form the base of the scent. A harmonious blend of green, citrus and lavender with soft rosy heart, woody, musky and mossy form the base of the scent


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