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Weekly Elemental Meditation – Online Zoom Gathering


Weekly Elemental Meditation – Online Zoom Gathering

Step into the sacred cycle of the elements every Wednesday night and journey through Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These meditations are not just moments of stillness—they are portals into the forces of nature, the unseen currents that shape our world.

Each week, we align with a different element. The energy we work with will depend on where we are in the cycle when you join—a mystical flow, ever-changing, yet perfectly aligned.

This week, we root deep into the stabilising embrace of the Earth element.


What Awaits You

🌿 Casting the Circle & Calling the Quarters – Step into sacred space, opening the ritual with intention.
🔥 Breathwork & Grounding Techniques – Align your energy with the chosen element.
💨 Guided Elemental Journey – Travel through the unseen realms in deep meditation.
💧 Closing the Circle & Reflection – Seal the practice and absorb the magick woven.

Gathering Details

🌙 Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours
🌙 Where: Online via Zoom
🌙 Who is this for? Seekers, witches, and those drawn to the whispers of the elements.

📅 Next Gathering: 12th March at 7 PM EST
🔮 How to Join: The Zoom link will be sent by email after purchasing.


Step Into the Circle

This is not just a meditation—it is a rite of passage into elemental magick. Each week, we turn the wheel, cycling through the wisdom of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.

Where you begin is where you are meant to be. 🌿🔥💨💧

“To know the elements is to know yourself. They speak in whispers—if you are still enough to listen.”

Secure your place in the circle. Step into the magick of the elements.
👉 Join Now

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